Artwork (under construction)

Handmade paper canoe installation view
Carving for the upcoming artists book. RIP Lulu, the best studio assistant ever.
Handmade paper waves & canoe frame installation view
Installation view. Everyone is from Somewhere: Climate Migration and Sea Level Rise
Mini-broadside, 2022.
with Kristin Thielking
This is still one of my favorite images of Kristin and my waves, taken on our hotel balcony at GAS.
Large waves become smaller waves.
We are all connected by waves.
Made for the End of Times 3: Precious Time print portfolio
Poetry by Amber Flora Thomas. Iris & abaca paper, linocut, letterpress.
Poetry by Gary Hawkins. Collaboration with the fabulous Maureen Forys!
The moment in time, 2019
Made in a Joomchi workshop at ECU, using my "I could let you go" broadside combined with Korean hanshi paper. 2018.
Made in a Joomchi workshop at ECU, using my “I Could Let You Go” broadside combined with Korean hanshi paper. 2018.

Pink Pussyhats Obama 17Pink Pussyhats, 2017. Made for the End of Times 2 exchange.

Here is a sneak preview of the collaborative glass work Kristin and I finished this summer (2016).

White Kayak (installation view).
White Kayak (installation view). Collaboration with Kristin Thielking. Approx. 36″ x 20″. Fused glass, 2016.
Kayak pieces. Study for installation. 2016.
Ice kayak, one of our first pieces made from the kayak parts. Collaboration with Kristin Thielking.
Ice kayak, one of our first pieces made from the kayak parts. Approximately 36″ x 20″. Collaboration with Kristin Thielking. 2016.
Collaborating in the studio with Kristin Thielking.
Collaborating in the studio with Kristin Thielking.
Research and recipies for fused glass/pâte de verre process. Collaboration with Kristin Thielking, 2016.
Research and recipies for fused glass/pâte de verre process. Collaboration with Kristin Thielking, 2016.
This is the broadside I made for the wonderful poet Thomas Dooley's visit to ECU in the spring of 2016. Keep an eye on that boat-you'll see it again...
This is the broadside I made for the wonderful poet Thomas Dooley’s visit to ECU in the spring of 2016. Keep an eye on that boat-you’ll see it again…

Here is some older work from 2014 and back.

Handmade paper, letterpress, linocut, gold dust. 2014.
Handmade paper, letterpress, linocut, gold dust. 2014.

This page is currently under construction. Recent work is posted as well as some old favorites, with details to follow.

NEAR-Dooley b-side-website
NEAR, 2014. Handmade paper, letterpress, linocut. 15″x10″.
Spaceship title page-angled
Spaceship-Teacup and Glue
Spaceship-binding table
Mappae Mundi spread 3
Mappae Mundi image map 1
Heaven-for website
LBR binding-pulling thread
LBR binding-close up
Sleeper-Our Brothers Our Sisters
Set Them Free
Amidah 01-front cover
Amidah - final spread
the press during Spaceship
Drowning p3-4
Drowning- colophon
Migration Root
Migration Detail-Root Return